• Travel

    I love to travel, but will I dare?

    For years my routine around new-years eve has been, to go to the airport, travel to a remote location and stay away from Denmark for 4 weeks. This year I’ll do something different… The drill has been enter a plane in the early afternoon, plug-in earphones, order a G&T, watch some movies, have some sleep, breakfast and the I’ve been almost on the other side of the globe. Ready for adventure, however somewhat exhausted after about 20 hours journey as sleeping in planes is not one of my major competencies. But this year I’ll go no where for new-year. Most countries have restrictions on immigration, my travel insurance is not…

  • Art,  City,  Culture

    Black and White from Copenhagen

    From time to time I chose to convert images from the usual color to B&W, think it brings out other aspects of the image. If I’m experiencing a dull light – e.g. full grey overcast – conversion to B&W can improve the image. Here is a couple of examples that was not taken under a grey sky, but with an almost bright blue sky, still think it provides some additional – but have a look on both these examples and the one from a few days back in full color.

  • Nature

    First real sunshine in December

    December in 2020 has been almost record breaking grey and dark in Denmark. On the 21st only 1 hour of sunshine has been registered! So when the weather report for the 23rd announced possibility of a clear sky and sunlight I was happy not to have meeting or activities fixed in the calendar for that day. Instead of being tied to the computer I could grab my camera and take a hike in the nearby Jægersborg Dyrehave. Temperature was about 1-2 degrees Celsius and only little wind, so a fine day for a photo hike. During a 1.5 hour and 6.5 Km I got a lot of good opportunities to…

  • Art,  City

    Copenhagen on Christmas Morning

    The weather forecast for Christmas day was bright blue sky with sun, so my wife and I decided for an early morning tour through Copenhagen. We started out more than half an hour before sunrise (it’s not as early as it sounds) to take pictures of the newly installed artwork on the pier next to the Royal Theater at Ofelia Beach. We continued through the city and had a couple of hour enjoying the city in the early morning light, you can se a few of my images from the morning trip.

  • Covid-19,  Nature

    Distraction when working from home

    Usually I used to complain about disturbances in the open office. You know, someone tapping you shoulder for a chat (both private and professional) , listening to passerby conversation, talking somewhere etc. breaks your concentration on the task you are about to. To be honest I have praised working from home during Covid-19 as it has allowed me to concentrate on my tasks and being a lot more efficient. Some tasks that I know would take 2-3 days in the office is done within half a day. But of course there is distractions in my home. Mailman rings the door bell, wife wants to talk, dish washer is finished a…

  • Covid-19,  Landscape

    Covid fatigueness

    I have been working from home since March 10 2020, except for 2 meetings at a customer, 4 short visits to the company office. Part of the time the company office has been locked down and for other parts of the time we have been recommended to work from home. To be honest I have never really prioritized to hang out at the coffee machine to have chit-chats with close and remote colleagues, but of course such meetings have been part of the everyday life at the office. But for the last 8 months there have been no occasional bumping into colleagues. Now you need to decide who you want…

  • Nature

    Red Deer in the Rutting season

    Close to my home is Dyrehaven, a closed area but more nature than park. It’s home for 3 species of deer, in all more than 2.000 deer. Of those 2.000 3-400 are Red deer, and they have their Rutting season during September and October. As the area is quite small you can experience the deer at close distance, and everywhere you go you can hear the males call to gather the hinds for his harem and to show other stags how big and strong he is. I spent a couple of hours photographing.

  • Nature

    Blackberries III

    Here in the start of September my early blackberry bush is almost empty of berries. I have had the success to harvest the most of them, maybe due to the green net put on top of the bush. Or the birds had chosen to go for other foods. But unfortunately a blackberry bush grows quite a bit when it stops to produce berries, some days it has added almost 10 cm to the branches. This means that branches has grown through the net and beyond. As there was almost no more berries on the bush I decided to take down the net. It took me almost an hour, mostly on…

  • Nature

    Black Berry II

    Almost 2 months ago I posted some images of bees working on the flowers on my black berry bush, hoping that the bees work would result in fine berries. It has, during the the in between time I have seen berries grow and go from green to red to the fine ripe black berries. As you can see the bush is now under a net, because I’m not the only one enjoining the berries, the birds are also. But right now I’m not sharing, maybe the birds will get some winter food in return.

  • Nature

    Fallow deer in Dyrehaven

    In the evening at the last day of July I went to Jægersborg Dyrehave, north of Copenhagen, hoping to meet some deer. The area hosts more than 2.000 deer of 3 different species. This evening most of them seemed to be seeking for hideouts, so we only spotted a few Fallow deer and some birds. Here is a few of the animals I met.

  • Covid-19,  Nature

    Black Berry

    I live in a terraced-house (in US a town house, in UK a terraced house, in New England row-house) and by this follows that we only have a small piece of land (240 square meters in total), so no large orchard or flowerbeds, but even a small garden can provide you with pleasures. I love to go out in the garden and see that even though we are in a city area you find wild life and nature right in front of you eyes – and of course camera lens. Our garden is small, but even so it is split into 2, one in front of the house and one…

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    Faxe Limestone Quarry

    Almost 80 km from Copenhagen is a small town – Fakse (sometimes Faxe) – situated on top of a limestone quarry. I’ll not state that the town itself is worth the 45 minutes drive from Copenhagen, it looks like any other small town. But as limestone quarries are very few in Denmark it seemed like a must-go-there-sometime item to me. So when the first week-end of May 2020 seemed to provide som fair weather and my wife and I thought that we have seen our home enough during Covid-19 lock-down we went on tour. Geologist have traced the area 63 Mio years back in time. A time where it was…

  • City,  Covid-19,  Photo,  Street

    Copenhagen during lock down

    I got the urge to document how Copenhagen look like when the city is in the state of lock down. So one morning I got up early, and went into the city centre to get some photographic evidence of the state of Denmark. Of course with the thought of sharing my experience with you. So here is a small collection from my morning in the city. It was Saturday 28th of March 2020, pictures are taken between 7:30 and 9:30. On a normal Saturday my pictures would have been full of people going to work, people opening stores, people going home after a night in the city. I do not…

  • City,  Street

    Hanoi in the Rain

    When someone mentions Hanoi, you probably think of a busy, noisy and hot city. But it can be different. I was in Hanoi in January 2020, around the Lunar new year and the 3 parameters above was not in play. First it was only around 15 degrees Celsius and it rained now and then. Second almost everybody seemed to be staying at home, so the streets where not crowded and packed with honking motorbikes. Early in the day people were actually walking on the streets, showing of their finest clothes for new year. In the afternoon it was as if the city was slowly waking a little, and a few…

  • Laos


    Savannakhet or known under it’s official name Kaysome Phomvihane is the second largest city in Laos. It is said to have 120.000 inhabitants. Even though it’s large it seems small and quiet. I visited the town in January 2020, the dry season. We were told that it hadn’t rained since start of November and it was certainly dry. During the day temperatures was in the low 30’es Celsius, but as it was dry it was bearable. The city offers a few sights in the town The old quarter with old French houses Wat Wayaphoum Dinosaur Museum Historic Exhibition St. Teresas Church Mekong River So in the city you can take…

  • Culture,  Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    December Light…

    I’m not a fan of winter in the Nordic countries, temperatures will be dropping from comfortable to freezing and light seems to disappear. Currently sun will rise around 8:30 and go down again around 15:30, it should provide 7 hours of daylight. But the last 3-4 weeks the weather has not been helping the access to daylight, it has been heavy overcast and rain full, removing even more of the precious daylight (not full fairness to the weather, as there have been 2-3 days with actual sun light for some hours). I’m longing back to midsummer where there will be 17½ hours of daylight :-). To show the difference I…

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen at Midsummers Morning

    I took a stroll through Copenhagen harbour on Midsummers morning, just before the city woke. It’s a special experience to see the city with no – or rather very few – people. And when the weather shows it’s best side, sun, no clouds and no wind then you can get some amazing photos. I’ve just picked a few from the bunch I made this morning. The presentation of the images follow my walk, from Nyhavn (New Harbour – it’s actually the oldest part of the harbour today) to Christiansborg (the Parliament) and back, just a little more than 2.4 Km

  • Architecture,  Culture

    How good is you glass?

    How often do you actually see glass? Most of the time I don’t see the glass, I see whats on the other side, because modern glass – be it windows, camera lenses, spectacles – is clear an almost invisible. For specs and lenses they are even coated to avoid unwanted reflections in order to create the most undisturbed view of whats on the other side. Of course when you glass is dirty you’ll notice, but not the glass, the dirt. It has not always been this way, going back in time to early phases of glass usage in architecture you’ll find glass that you can avoid seeing. In the late…

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen Springtime

    Just some shots from Copenhagen in early days of April 2019. Cherry trees are also blossoming and of course it is like a block buster. Crowds of people flock to the churchyard with the cherry alley, so it can be hard to get a shot of the trees or the flowers. If you want a clear shot, come before 7 AM on a week day. But it’s nice to have sun and warmth coming back after the winter.

  • Photo,  Street

    Litter in Copenhagen

    When you are visiting a city, either your home town or some foreign city you probably at some point in time want to enjoy a drink or snack, some body also take a smoke. What do you do with the packaging or leftovers? Off course, you take it to the nearest garbage bin, because you like to walk around in a clean environment. Well, apparently not all share your preference for a clean city. I strolled through Copenhagen a few hours on a Saturday afternoon, instead of looking on the historical buildings, people in the streets or shop windows I focused on the litter. I took some photos of the…

  • Spain


    On my way to La Palma I stayed a short while in the city of Madrid. Not a long stay, but I’m sure that I’ll go the for a longer experience in the future. Until then you’ll just have a few images.

  • Italy


    A day in Pisa requires patience, as the city is crowded by visitors striving to see the main attraction – the leaning tower and the cathedral. Apparently many visitors only see the main attractions and skipping rest of the city. But I will suggest that you take time to see other parts of the city. Take a stroll along the Arno river to enjoy the beautiful bridges and ancient houses along the river. On the river bank you can also find the Gelateria De’ Coltelli which is said to provide the best ice-cream in Pisa. We had a few scoops, and it is good. When you are at the Piazza…

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  • Travel


    I enjoy traveling, some times it's just a short haul for a weekend to a nearby city and some times it's a long haul to a different continent for a longer duration. For all types of travel I like to share my experiences. So at this site you'll find information about my experiences around the world. Only a few of my travels has been documented, but hope you enjoy what you find.

  • Nature

    Near new year in Dyrehave (Deer Garden)

    A nice stroll through the Deer Garden on the second last day of 2018 brought me some photos of the deer living there. Unfortunately the light was not as generous as one could hope, so ended up with ISO at 1600 which provides a little noise. Haven’t removed the noise as it would also remove details.

  • Denmark

    Winter in DK

    Going to Copenhagen, then I will recommend to come during April through September. The other part of the year has unpleasant weather and light.  If you are interested in bringing home pictures of your visit, the winter half of the year do not assist you. Besides being cold, wet and windy it’s with low light. The above picture is taken at 11 AM, the lens is aimed at the part of the sky where the sun is, but the settings do not reflect this (ISO 100, f/2.0 and 1/50) and the light meter indicated that I should have increased aperture to f/1.8 or improved ISO. The picture is taken through…

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  • Italy


    I prefer to call the city Firenze, like the Italians do, and we do in Denmark. As many other Italian cities it’s is crowded by tourists, but a guide told us that if you come in November, January or February there will be few tourists. We did what you are supposed to do, visit the Uffizi galleries and watched the magnificent medieval art. Some of it is beautiful and has its value as art preserved even today, but a lot of it it simply to crude and primitive to my taste e.g. all the religious stuff I can be without. When I visit a museum and stumble into a hall…

  • Italy

    5 Terre

    A beauty full series of villages are found at the Mediterranean coast, the area is named Cinque Terre. It’s easy to take the hike along the coast, you just walk from one town to the other – don’t think you can get lost on the way. If you don’t want to walk back, you just hop on the train and ride back. You’ll need to pay a fee to use the path’s along the coast, when you purchase the ticket at the start of the path you’ll be presented with several options for combinations of only walk, walk and use the train, 1 or more days access, so you need…

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