Covid-19,  Nature

Black Berry

I live in a terraced-house (in US a town house, in UK a terraced house, in New England row-house) and by this follows that we only have a small piece of land (240 square meters in total), so no large orchard or flowerbeds, but even a small garden can provide you with pleasures.

I love to go out in the garden and see that even though we are in a city area you find wild life and nature right in front of you eyes – and of course camera lens.

Our garden is small, but even so it is split into 2, one in front of the house and one at the back. This morning I went to the back garden to have a few minutes of fresh air, before going in to my Covid-19 sanctuary or work-at-home office.

The back garden is only 8 by 5 meters, but even this small it can fit a gooseberry, a blackberry bush, a raised bed for herbs, a raised bed with rhubarbs and a sitting arrangement. This morning i noticed that the blackberry bush had started to bloom.

Blackberry flower waiting for a bee to visit

So now summer is here, and in a few months we’ll have a solid supply of sweet black berries to enjoy, both in august and frozen through winter. Now bees are having a feast of flying from flower to flower and collecting nectar, while doing that my flowers are fertilized so they will produce berries.

Working to make honey

I hope that having flowers – both to make fruits and decoration – we assist the bees in surviving and being able to fertilize our plants in the future.

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