
  • Architecture,  Landscape,  Sri Lanka


    Sigirya Fortress or the Lion Rock is an amazing attraction that attracts quiet a few visitors, both foreign and Sri Lankan. The fortress is built on the top of a rock that raises approximately 200 meters above the surrounding plain. It’s built around 455 AD by King Kashyapa. Think about climbing the rock by using only footsteps carved into the rock and probably some scaffolding in order to carry bricks an other materials to the building site at the top. Later staircases have been applied. of course we couldn’t see the view from the fortress to the plain. And did not expect to be able to view the fortress from…

  • Landscape,  Nature

    Winter is ending

    Measured by the calendar last day of winter is the coming Monday, Tuesday will be spring. Today’s bright sky allow the sun to shine and provide a warming feeling. I was convinced, spring will be here soon. But winter still have a little grip, can smear some frost and ice on the ground, puddles and lakes. Hit a few moments by the rays of the sun, the ice melts. So be out early to document the last days of winter.

  • A capsized bench at Heather hill
    Landscape,  Nature,  Photo

    Malik, the Storm

    The worst storm in Denmark in 5 years was named Malik. It ended up being classified as a category 2 storm, big media fuss and closed traffic services all over the country. In many other places around the world a category 2 storm would hardly raise an eyebrow. But OK, as you see the worst since October 2016. We don’t have a nature around us that presents many extremes. The highest hill (don’t have mountains) is almost 180.5 meters high, the deepest spot in our seas are 130-140 meters deep, we only have moderate temperatures compared to other places. Coldest measured temperature is -31.2 Celsius, bloody cold but not compared…

  • Landscape,  Nature,  Photo

    A hike in North Zeeland

    Jægerspris castle is situated in a forest close to the Roskilde fjord, it provides public access to the path ways. The terrain is rather flat so it’s an easy hike you’ll get there, however it’s possible to plan some rather long walks, especially if you start by the castle an walk all the way up to the old oak trees – here the Kings oak. My hike started from the castle and was 9.5 km long and as we spent time to take photos it took us about 2.5 hours.

  • City,  Landscape

    Winter in Denmark

    Danish weather is not know for it’s stability nor for it’s predictability, so no time to wonder when you experience the whole lifecycle off a season within 4 days. Friday December 10 2021 started out cold, below 0 degrees Celsius, and in the afternoon it began to snow. Saturday I was away and could not capture images of the snow lying in the garden. But Sunday December 12 temperatures was more than 0 degrees Celsius, making every branch, roof and lawn utterly wet. Monday December 13 it’s was like winter was over, not at trace of the snow. Just plain grey clouds providing a carpet of light rain and darkness.

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    Røsnæs – the most western point at Zealand

    Røsnæs is a small peninsula and forms the western point of Zealand. The look of the landscape is quiet different from the Copenhagen area. First of all it has hills and along the coastline you find a variation of steep cliffs and flat beaches – with some stones. The climate is affected by being surrounded by the sea, almost like an island. The result is that the peninsula is one of the areas with the least rain in Denmark also it experience a slightly higher average temperature. The area provides a good variation of paths and roads that is suitable for a hike. On the site Røsnæs rundt, the site…

  • City,  Landscape

    Can I take photos with an iPhone

    Normally I mostly use my phone camera to copy paper documents or taking a photo to document an issue I need to remember, I do rarely think of my phone photos as part of a creative process. I don’t fell I’m in control of the photos. I can’t find how to easily switch to manual mode, the ergonomics of the phone is ridiculous compared to my cameras, optics sucks so most of the time I don’t take what I consider as photos with it. But on rare occasion I come to a motive that I just need to capture, even if I don’t have my camera at hand. Saturday July…

  • Map with route along Mølleåen
    Denmark,  Landscape

    An hike in the cradle of Danish industrialism

    The stream Mølleåen (Millers stream) north of Copenhagen is often referred to as the cradle of Danish industrialism. This caused by the fact that the stream has delivered power to mills since the 13th century. The mills has served as power sources for flour grinding, paper, gunpowder, cloth and clothing and metal ware production. Along the stream you can find paths that suitable for an easy hike. My wife and started from Fuglevad in Lyngby an early Saturday morning, walking downstream for about 4.5 km, crossed the stream and went upstream. Enjoying the historical sites and the nature along the stream. Even though you never are more than a few…

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Nature

    Gribskov hike

    Lock down might be gone, but currently everything has gotten complicated and planning requiring. You need to have a negative test – not more than 72 hours old – to enter a bar, restaurant, cinema, theater, museum. So don’t go by sudden impulse, only go if you have carefully planned. My wife and I are planners for the work life, but there it seems to end. We love to have a vague plan for the week-end and then in the last minute decide what to do. It does not correspond with regulation these days. So we have decided to do what we can do without planning. A hike in a…

  • Landscape

    A cold morning at the beach

    it was 7:00 AM, the thermometer showed -12C when I pushed START button on the dash board in the car, to drive the 10 Km to Bellevue Beach park. The aim was to be there before sunrise, which was at 7:38 AM, no problem. I have on other occasions visited this beach for sunrise, it has been a rather lonesome experience maybe an occasional wanderer, a dog walker or a winter bather. But never 5 or more on the beach at the same time. This morning there was several people on the beach when we arrived and the numbers increased as fast a the day light approached. Everybody was keen…

  • Denmark,  Landscape

    A hike around Bastrup Lake

    Almost 11 months ago my office was shut down due to covid-19. I had taken to work from home a couple of days before due to a sour throat, so I just continued working from home. In between shop, cinemas, museums, theaters, malls and almost anything else has been subject to lock-down, reopen and lock-down again. In parallel we have be advised or commanded not to gather with others and crowds has been limited. To not going crazy from being locked up and not seeing anything my wife and I has taken on walking. 1 hour to 1.5 hour every week day we hike through the forests near our home.…

  • Landscape,  Street

    The missing fisherman

    In the beginning of January 2021 I visited Gilleleje in North Zeeland, I found this motive interesting and is curios of where have the poor guy gone without gloves. Is he on the bottom beside the pier, in the nearest tavern (it’s lock-down so it can be ruled out) or at home beside the fireplace. Your guess is as good as mine…

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Nature

    Reersoe, it used to be an Island

    At the west side of Zealand (Sjæland in Danish) you find a small peninsula called Reersø. Ending with an Ø indicates that it was named as an island. And sure enough it has been an island, but during the 17 century sediments in the bay between the island and Zealand made a connection and in 1852 a road was established on the isthmus. Now the island had become a peninsula. The attraction to my wife and I was that the area provides wandering routes – the clover paths – which can take you around the island and it can provide some nice scenery for a photo. So to entertain us…

  • Covid-19,  Landscape

    Covid fatigueness

    I have been working from home since March 10 2020, except for 2 meetings at a customer, 4 short visits to the company office. Part of the time the company office has been locked down and for other parts of the time we have been recommended to work from home. To be honest I have never really prioritized to hang out at the coffee machine to have chit-chats with close and remote colleagues, but of course such meetings have been part of the everyday life at the office. But for the last 8 months there have been no occasional bumping into colleagues. Now you need to decide who you want…

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    Faxe Limestone Quarry

    Almost 80 km from Copenhagen is a small town – Fakse (sometimes Faxe) – situated on top of a limestone quarry. I’ll not state that the town itself is worth the 45 minutes drive from Copenhagen, it looks like any other small town. But as limestone quarries are very few in Denmark it seemed like a must-go-there-sometime item to me. So when the first week-end of May 2020 seemed to provide som fair weather and my wife and I thought that we have seen our home enough during Covid-19 lock-down we went on tour. Geologist have traced the area 63 Mio years back in time. A time where it was…

  • Culture,  Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    December Light…

    I’m not a fan of winter in the Nordic countries, temperatures will be dropping from comfortable to freezing and light seems to disappear. Currently sun will rise around 8:30 and go down again around 15:30, it should provide 7 hours of daylight. But the last 3-4 weeks the weather has not been helping the access to daylight, it has been heavy overcast and rain full, removing even more of the precious daylight (not full fairness to the weather, as there have been 2-3 days with actual sun light for some hours). I’m longing back to midsummer where there will be 17½ hours of daylight :-). To show the difference I…

  • Landscape

    Spring is Here

    One of the last days of April My wife and I went to Museum of Modern Art Louisiana. We saw pottery made by Picasso, quite interesting what he could do to ordinary pottery. However I did not take pictures in the exhibition, but later in the park I got some shots of the emerging springtime. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

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  • Landscape

    Tegners Skulturpark in Russia

    I have on earlier occasions been to Rudolph Tegners Skulpturpark in north Zeeland, the area is actually called Russia. On all the other occasions it has been bright day light, and nice temperatures. But spontaneously I got the idea that it could be nice with pictures taken just before sun rise. So I went there in the early winter morning, fighting against icy roads. But I got a series of photos that is what I wanted.

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  • Landscape

    Cold Autumn Morning at the Beach

    I went to the Bellevue beach north of Copenhagen to watch the sun rise. I had to spend 5-10 minutes to clear ice of the car before I could go, so a bit chilly. I was at the beach half an hour before sun rise and stayed there 10 minutes after. Then I went to Taarbæk harbor to get some pictures with reflections in the quiet water, at the winds were very low. Even though the sun rose into heavy clouds in the south-eastern part of the sky the light was very nice.

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  • Landscape

    Rudolph Tegners museum

    I Dronningmølle ligger området Rusland med lyngklædte bakker, egetræer og nåletræer. For enden af museumsvej ligger et indhegnet område, det er frit tilgængeligt året rundt, hvor der er opstillet en række skulpturer alle af Rudolph Tegner.

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  • Landscape

    Before sunrise

    I have for years been thinking of a photo. I have been knowing how to take and when on the day, just before sunrise. As you might know most of the year the sun comes up pretty early in Denmark. And during week-ends I do not tend to be an early riser, and I like my week-end mornings with breakfast, coffee and the paper. So the photo has been kept a thought. But this month my wife is travelling in South America – leaving me home to go to the office at weekdays. So the week-end mornings are not the same and today the sun rose at 8:36. So Today…

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  • Landscape

    Bagsværd Sø

    I went to Bagsværd Sø in hope to get a good view of the sunset. It was official 3 degrees, but a little wind made it rather nasty to be there. After 40 minutes my hands were frozen, despite gloves. As you might see on some of the photos the lake was already beginning to freeze.

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  • City,  Landscape,  Nature

    Bilkirkegården i Ryd

    Pinselørdag tog vi på en ekspedition til Småland, ikke for at se på Emil eller Lönneberg, men for at se på bilvrag der er ved at ruste op i en gammel tørvemose. Hovedformålet med turen var at fotografere bilerne, for når der er løv på træerne og lidt sollys er der mulighed for at lave nogle rigtigt flotte fotos. Pinselørdag så iflg. vejrudsigten ud til at blive den eneste dag i weekenden hvor alle forudsætningerne kunne opfyldes, så kursen blev sat. Der er 233 km til Ryd fra Lyngby, ruten over Kristianstad byder på stort set samtlige vej typer, motorvej, motortrafikvej, landevej, bivej, byvej og gader. Så der er rig…

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